Hi 👋, I am an interdisciplinary PhD student at the University of Mannheim (Germany) and a researcher at the Cologne Center of Comparative Politics working at the intersection of Natural Language Processing and Computational Political Science.
🎓 I hold a master degree in Computer Science (2018, with a minor in Philosophy) and a master degree in Political Science (2019) from the Technical University Darmstadt (Germany). 🐾 During my studies, I spent a semester abroad 🇨🇭 (2016/2017) at the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich as a special student and research assistant at the Computational Social Science lab (ETH Zurich, Switzerland). Before my PhD journey at the University of Mannheim, I worked as a researcher in Natural Language Processing at the UKP lab (Technical University Darmstadt, Germany) (2018-2021). During my PhD, I was also a visiting researcher 🎒 at Cologne Center for Comparative Politics (2023), a research asssistant at the Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung (2024), a short-term research visiting at The Alan Turing Institute (2024) and University of Zurich, IPZ (2024) as well as in the junior researcher program for a research visit at GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (2024).
Since 2022, I have been co-organizing the tada.cool speaker series (w/ >30 speakers, >700 Slack members) as well as the workshop on Computational Linguistics for Political and Social Sciences (KONVENS 2022, 2023 & 2024). I have also supported the BigScience/ BLOOM project (2022), the Data Provenance Initiative (2023-today) and led a team in the Expediction Aya (2024), which won the “Most Innovative Project” 🏆 award.
👥 Besides research, I am an academic coach. I have worked as a certified writing coach ✍️ at the Computer Science writing lab University of Hagen (Germany) and the SchreibCenter at the Technical University of Darmstadt. Since 2020 I am also a qualified stress management trainer 🧠 (DADeSp, Technical University Darmstadt, 2020) with focus on the academic and university context. As part of my support for the FirstGen initiative ArbeiterKind, I conduct free open time and stress management workshops and I have started an initiative to establish an open virtual writing lab.
For 2024, I have planned to be in Bochum (GER) in February ✔️, Birmingham (UK) in March ✔️, Oxford (UK) ✔️ and Grenoble (FR) ✔️ in April, Amsterdam (NE) in May ✔️, Cologne (GER) in April✔️/May, Oxford (UK)✔️, London (UK)✔️ and Cologne (GER)✔️ in July, Vienna (AU)✔️, Zurich (CH)✔️ and Göttingen (GER)✔️ in September, Zurich (CH) in October ✔️, Paris (FR) in December✔️ and other places to be decided. Also you can often find me in Cologne and Mannheim. I would be happy to chat ☕️ about CSS if anyone is around during these times. Please feel free to send me a message.
For 2025, I have planned to be in Milan (IT) in March, Vienna (AU) in April, Oxford/London (UK) March/April, Praque (CZ) in April, Madrid (ES) in June and other places to be decided. Also you can often find me in Cologne and Mannheim. I would be happy to chat ☕️ about CSS if anyone is around during these times. Please feel free to send me a message.
Upcoming events
- 🔜 🗣️ 20.12. workshop on AI in academic writing (TH Cologne, Germany)
- 🎄❄️🛷
- 🗣️ 11/12.12. talk on “CARING: a platform to enhance dataset quality through open collaboration” (GESIS, Germany)
- 🗣️ 9.12. talk on “Tiny Tweets, Tall Tales: Exploring Narrative Elements in German Political Tweets with LLMs” (University of Zurich, CH) 🇨🇭
- 🗣️ 4.11. NeurIPS@Paris 🇫🇷 poster and oral presentation of “Consent in Crisis: The Rapid Decline of the AI Data Commons” (w/ Data Provenance Initiative)
- 🫂 25.11. attending the Workshop on “User-centered longitudinal collection of digital behavioral and survey data” (GESIS, Germany)
- 🗣️ 25.11. guest lecture in the “Center for Doctoral Studies in Social and Behavioral Sciences” on Machine Learning for Social Scientists (University of Mannheim, Germany)
- 🫂 22.11. organizing a datasets.cool workshop on data quality (University of Mannheim, Germany)
- 🗣️ 4.11. workshop on AI in academic writing (TH Cologne, Germany)
- 🗣️ 30.10. Workshop on “AI in academic writing” (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
- 🫂 7.11. moderating a session for the Mannheim Center for Data Science (University of Mannheim, Germany)
- 🗣️ 22.10. talk on “AI Conversational Interviewing” @ IPZ & short-term research guest @ University of Zurich 🇨🇭(Zurich, CH)
- 🗣️ 24-27.9. discussant on LLMs in political research and a talk on LLMs and in-context learning for group mentions @ 29th Convention of the German Political Science Association (University of Göttingen, Germany)
- 🗣️ 24.9. talk on data quality @ Open Science Day (University of Mannheim, Germany)
- 🫂 13.9. co-organizing the fourth workshop on Computational Linguistics for Political and Social Sciences (KONVENS 2024, University of Vienna, Austria 🇦🇹)
- 28.8.2024 🏆 Won the “Most Innovative” project award with my team as a team captain in the Aya Expedition on political bias
- 26.8.2024 Interview on the “Consent in Crisis” (German: “KI-Trainingsdaten: Geht die Vielfalt verloren?”)
- 🫂 07/2024 - 08/2024 Aya Expedition on political bias
- 🗞️ “The new Consent in Crisis: The Rapid Decline of the AI Data Commons” a new release of a large-scale audit of 1800+ LLM training datasets is out 🥳 Data Provenance Initiative (2024) with many others (New York Times: “The Data That Powers A.I. Is Disappearing Fast”)
- 👣 07/2024 short research visit @ The Alan Turing Institute, London (UK)
- 🧠 11.7.-14.8.2024 attend the Summer School on Representation Learning & Generative AI @ University of Oxford (UK)
- 🏆 Won the Open Science Grant for a project on data quality from the University of Mannheim 🥳
- 🗣️ 4.7.-6.7. talks on group mentions and resource-efficient topic modeling @ 14th Annual Conference of The European Political Science Association (Cologne, Germany)
- 👣 04/2024-06/2024 research visit on Computational Social Science @ GESIS (Germany)
- 🫂 2.5. Workshop on “Leveraging Parameter-Efficient, Small-Scale Models with Adapters for Social Science Research using Python” w/ Moritz Osnabrügge @ COMPTEXT 2024 (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- 🧠 1.4.-5.4.2024 attend the Advanced Language Processing Winter School @ Grenoble (France)
- 🧠 7.4.-12.4.2024 attend the Spring School on Causual Inference @ University of Oxford (UK)
- 🗣️ 20.3.2024 talk on the analysis of populist rhetoric in text in the age of large language models @ CIVICA Data Science Seminar
- 🧠 Match 2024 attended three workshops on higher education teaching skills: “International Classroom” (UMannheim), “Inclusive Digital Teaching” (KIT) and “Healthy and Motivational Teaching” (UHohenheim)
- 🫂 Oct-March 2023/2024 co-organizing the ❄️ winter term speaker series on text-as-data @ tada.cool w/ Nicolai Berk, Clint Claessen and Verena Kunz (online)
- 🗣️ 29.2.2024 talk on the dynamics of framing in dialogue @ DGfS2024-Framing “Towards Linguistically Motivated Computational Models of Framing” w/ Zlata Kikteva/ Annette Hautli-Janisz/ Chris Reed/ Steve Oswald/ Wassiliki Siskou/ Manfred Stede/ Henning Wachsmuth
- 🗞️ 30.11.2023 discussion paper on “Responsibility & Academic Writing in the Age of AI” (German) w/ Sarah Brommer, Jochen Berendes, Ulrike Bohle-Jurok, Isabella Buck, Katrin Girgensohn, Ella Grieshammer, Carina Gröner, Franziska Gürtl, Christina Hollosi-Boiger, Dagmar Knorr, Anika Limburg, Margret Mundorf, Nadine Stahlberg and Erika Unterpertinger
- 🧠 20.-24.11.2023 attend the 7th Oxford Berlin School on Open and Responsible Research autumn school @ University of Oxford (UK)
- 🗞️ 20.11.2023 “BLOOM: A 176B-Parameter Open-Access Multilingual Language Model” 🥳 in BigScience (2022/2023) with many other
- 🗣️ 8.11.2023 “Stress & Time Management for Students” giving a workshop @ ArbeiterKind for FirstGen Students (online)
- 🗣️ Oct 2023 a learning module on “Open-Source Language Models” for higher education @ KI Campus, prompting lab (online)
- 🗣️ 4/11.9.2023 co-organizing a workshop on “AI-Assisted Academic Writing” @ UHagen (online)
- 🗣️ 18/19.9.2023 Talk on Populist Rhetoric @ 6th Monash-Warwick-Zurich Text-As-Data Workshop (online)
- 🫂 18.9.2023 co-organizing the third workshop on Computational Linguistics for Political and Social Sciences w/ Gabriella Lapesa, Theresa Gessler, Valentin Gold and Simone Ponzetto @ KONVENS 2023 (Germany)
- 🗣️ 29.8.2023 Talk on “Whitebox instead of blackbox - a plea for minimum standards and open language models in the writing process and in writing guidance” @ Learning AID 2023 [Slides]
- 🗣️ 21.8.2023 Workshop on “LLMs and Academic Writing” @ FernUni Hagen
- 🫂 March-July 2023 co-organizing a 🌱 spring term speaker series on text-as-data @ tada.cool w/ Nicolai Berk, Clint Claessen and Verena Kunz (online)
- 🗣️ 13.7.2023 Workshop on “AI-Assisted Programming (for Researchers)” at Cologne Center for Comparative Politics
- 🗣️ 5.6.2023 Talk during my visit at Cologne Center for Comparative Politics on “Towards modeling populism in text w/ NLP”
- 👣 05/2023-07/2023 research visit on Computational Political Science @ Cologne Center for Comparative Politics (Germany)
- 🗞️ 5.5.2023 Poster presentation w/ Ines Rehbein and Simone Ponzetto “Our kind of people? Detecting populist references in political debates” @ LaTeCH-CLfL 2023: The 7th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature (EACL 2023)
- 🗞️ 14.4.2023 Lightning talk w/ Sarah Wagner, Ines Rehbein, Simone Ponzetto and Marc Debus “How parties frame the Covid-19 pandemic: an analysis of press releases” @ 80th Annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference 2023 (Chicago/online)
- 🗣️ 29.3.2023 “Transformer-based Language Models” giving a workshop @ Methods Bites, MSEZ, UMannheim (Germany)
- 🗞️ 20.01.2023 Paper on Our kind of people? Detecting populist references in political debates w/ Ines Rehbein & Simone Ponzetto accepted 🥳 at The 17th Conference of the European Chapter
of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2023 in Findings)
- 🗣️ 22.12.2022 Interview on analysing social and political phenomena w/ NLP @ DWS, University Mannheim (Germany)
- 🗣️ 18.11.2022 “Stress Management for Students” giving a workshop @ Writing Night, FernUni-Hagen (Germany)
- 🗣️ 18.11.2022 “Personal Academic Writing Challanges” panel discussion @ Writing Night, FernUni-Hagen (Germany)
- 🗣️ 15.11.2022 “Scientific Writing for PhD students” giving a workshop @ UMannheim (Germany)
- 🗣️ 24.10.2022 “Machine Learning Lifecycle and Standards for Transparency and Accountability” giving a talk @ Technical University of Munich (Germany)
- 🗣️ 07.10.2022 “Towards measuring populism from text” giving a talk @ TADA 🪄, 12th Annual Conference on New Directions in Analyzing Text as Data (Cornell Tech, NY)
- 🫂 September-December 2022 co-organizing a ☃️ winter speaker series on text-as-data (2022, September-December, Tuesday 5-6pm CET, online) w/ seven amazing speakers from around the world!
- 🫂 12.09.2022 co-organizing the second workshop on Computational Linguistics for Political Text Analysis @ KONVENS 2022 (Germany)
- 🫂 April-July 2022 co-organizing a speaker series on text-as-data (2022, April-July, Tuesday 5-6pm CET, online) w/ eight amazing speakers from EU & US!
- 🗞️ 20.06.2022 Paper on Second-level Agenda Setting in Parliamentary Debates accepted at ParlaCLARIN III: Workshop on creating, enriching and using parliamentary corpora (LREC 2022)
- 🗣️ 24.05.2022 “Populism Detection and other ways of working at the intersection of NLP and PolSci” giving a talk @ University of Zurich (Switzerland)
- 🗣️ 03.05.2022 “ML lifecycle and the democratization of ML” giving a talk @ Technical University of Munich (Germany)
- 🗣️ 04.04.2022 “NLP methods and PolSci applications” giving a workshop @ University of Tuebingen (Germany)
- 🗣️ 25.02.2022 “Challenges in Automatic Populism Detection” invited workshop @ Bocconi University (Italy)
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