Hi 👋, I am an interdisciplinary PhD student at the University of Mannheim (Germany) and a researcher at the Cologne Center of Comparative Politics working at the intersection of Natural Language Processing and Computational Political Science.
🎓 I hold a master degree in Computer Science (2018, with a minor in Philosophy) and a master degree in Political Science (2019) from the Technical University Darmstadt (Germany). 🐾 During my studies, I spent a semester abroad 🇨🇭 (2016/2017) at the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich as a special student and research assistant at the Computational Social Science lab (ETH Zurich, Switzerland). Before my PhD journey at the University of Mannheim, I worked as a researcher in Natural Language Processing at the UKP lab (Technical University Darmstadt, Germany) (2018-2021). During my PhD, I was also a visiting researcher 🎒 at Cologne Center for Comparative Politics (2023), a research asssistant at the Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung (2024), a short-term research visiting at The Alan Turing Institute (2024) and University of Zurich, IPZ (2024) as well as in the junior researcher program for a research visit at GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (2024).
Since 2022, I have been co-organizing the tada.cool speaker series (w/ >30 speakers, >700 Slack members) as well as the workshop on Computational Linguistics for Political and Social Sciences (KONVENS 2022, 2023 & 2024). In 2025, I co-organize the first workshop on “Validating Social Text-as-Data Methods” (VaLiSTAD) @ ICWSM. I have also supported the BigScience/ BLOOM project (2022), the Data Provenance Initiative (2023-today) and led a team in the Expediction Aya (2024), which won the “Most Innovative Project” 🏆 award. I also received the Open Science Grant from the University of Mannheim for the datasets.cool project (2024-2025).
👥 Besides research, I am an academic coach. I have worked as a certified writing coach ✍️ at the Computer Science writing lab University of Hagen (Germany) and the SchreibCenter at the Technical University of Darmstadt. Since 2020 I am also a qualified stress management trainer 🧠 (DADeSp, Technical University Darmstadt, 2020) with focus on the academic and university context. As part of my support for the FirstGen initiative ArbeiterKind, I conduct free open time and stress management workshops and I have started an initiative to establish an open virtual writing lab. Since 02/25, I am completing a certification program (around 12 months) with my dog 🐕🦺 to qualify as a licensed pedagogical support team.
For 2025, I have planned to be in Milan (IT), Konstanz (DE), Munich (DE) in March, Oxford (UK) March/April, London (UK), Vienna (AU) in April, Praque (CZ) in April, Madrid (ES) in June, Copenhagen (DNK) in June, Hildesheim (DE) in September, Bern (CH) tbd and other places to be decided. Also you can often find me in Cologne and Mannheim. I would be happy to chat ☕️ about CSS if anyone is around during these times. Please feel free to send me a message.
Upcoming events
- 🫂 28.3.-30.3. attending the DataFest (LMU, Germany 🇩🇪)
- 🧠 31.3.-4.4.2024 attending the Spring School for a course on Causual Inference (University of Oxford, UK 🇬🇧)
- 🗣️ 6-7 Apr presentation at PolMeth 2025 (London, UK 🇬🇧)
- 🗣️ 24-26 Apr guest workshop at COMPTEXT 2025 on “The Power of Less: Efficient LLM Training with Adapters” (University of Vienna, Austria 🇦🇹) and w/ two accepted conference presentations
- 🗞️ 3-4 May our paper “AI Conversational Interviewing: Transforming Surveys with LLMs as Adaptive Interviewers” was accecpted at The 9th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature @ NAACL 2025 (Albuquerque, US 🇺🇸) will be presented by Alexander Wuttke
- 🗣️ 15-16 May presentation at “Computational Social Science” @ MZES workshop (Mannheim, Germany 🇩🇪)
- 🗣️ 13–16 May Our AI interview project has been accepted for presentation at the 80th Annual AAPOR Conference in St. Louis 🇺🇸 (will be presented by Alexander Wuttke)
- 🫂 23-26 June co-organizing the first workshop on Validating Social Text-as-Data Methods (ValiSTAD) (ICWSM 2025, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 🇩🇰)
- 🗣️ 25 June accepted presentation at the pre-EPSA workshop on Large Language Models and political science (Madrid, Spain 🇪🇸)
- 🗣️ 26 - 28 June attending EPSA w/ two accepted conference presentations (Madrid, Spain 🇪🇸)
- 🗣️ 14-18 July guest lectures Summer School MethodsNet 2025 on “Large Language Models - Tune and Train your own Models” (Vienna, Austria 🇦🇹)
- 🗣️ 14-18 July “CARING: Enhancing Open Data Quality through Community Engagement” was accepted for the 11th Conference of the European Survey Research Association ESRA 2024 (Utrecht University, NE 🇳🇱, will be presented by Ruben Bach)
- 🫂 9-12 September co-organizing the fifth workshop on Computational Linguistics for Political and Social Sciences (KONVENS 2025, University of Hildesheim 🇩🇪)
- 🗣️ 10.3./24.3. workshop on AI in academic writing (TH Cologne, Germany 🇩🇪)
- 🗣️ 6-7 Mar presentation at Workshop on Advancements in Text-as-Data in Political Science (University of Milan, Italy 🇮🇹)
- 🗣️ 20.12. workshop on AI in academic writing (TH Cologne, Germany)
- 🗣️ 11/12.12. talk on “CARING: a platform to enhance dataset quality through open collaboration” (GESIS, Germany)
- 🗣️ 9.12. talk on “Tiny Tweets, Tall Tales: Exploring Narrative Elements in German Political Tweets with LLMs” (University of Zurich, CH) 🇨🇭
- 🗣️ 4.11. NeurIPS@Paris 🇫🇷 poster and oral presentation of “Consent in Crisis: The Rapid Decline of the AI Data Commons” (w/ Data Provenance Initiative)
- 🫂 25.11. attending the Workshop on “User-centered longitudinal collection of digital behavioral and survey data” (GESIS, Germany)
- 🗣️ 25.11. guest lecture in the “Center for Doctoral Studies in Social and Behavioral Sciences” on Machine Learning for Social Scientists (University of Mannheim, Germany)
- 🫂 22.11. organizing a datasets.cool workshop on data quality (University of Mannheim, Germany)
- 🗣️ 4.11. workshop on AI in academic writing (TH Cologne, Germany)
- 🗣️ 30.10. Workshop on “AI in academic writing” (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
- 🫂 7.11. moderating a session for the Mannheim Center for Data Science (University of Mannheim, Germany)
- 🗣️ 22.10. talk on “AI Conversational Interviewing” @ IPZ & short-term research guest @ University of Zurich 🇨🇭(Zurich, CH)
- 🗣️ 24-27.9. discussant on LLMs in political research and a talk on LLMs and in-context learning for group mentions @ 29th Convention of the German Political Science Association (University of Göttingen, Germany)
- 🗣️ 24.9. talk on data quality @ Open Science Day (University of Mannheim, Germany)
- 🫂 13.9. co-organizing the fourth workshop on Computational Linguistics for Political and Social Sciences (KONVENS 2024, University of Vienna, Austria 🇦🇹)
- 28.8.2024 🏆 Won the “Most Innovative” project award with my team as a team captain in the Aya Expedition on political bias
- 26.8.2024 Interview on the “Consent in Crisis” (German: “KI-Trainingsdaten: Geht die Vielfalt verloren?”)
- 🫂 07/2024 - 08/2024 Aya Expedition on political bias
- 🗞️ “The new Consent in Crisis: The Rapid Decline of the AI Data Commons” a new release of a large-scale audit of 1800+ LLM training datasets is out 🥳 Data Provenance Initiative (2024) with many others (New York Times: “The Data That Powers A.I. Is Disappearing Fast”)
- 👣 07/2024 short research visit @ The Alan Turing Institute, London (UK)
- 🧠 11.7.-14.8.2024 attend the Summer School on Representation Learning & Generative AI @ University of Oxford (UK)
- 🏆 Won the Open Science Grant for a project on data quality from the University of Mannheim 🥳
- 🗣️ 4.7.-6.7. talks on group mentions and resource-efficient topic modeling @ 14th Annual Conference of The European Political Science Association (Cologne, Germany)
- 👣 04/2024-06/2024 research visit on Computational Social Science @ GESIS (Germany)
- 🫂 2.5. Workshop on “Leveraging Parameter-Efficient, Small-Scale Models with Adapters for Social Science Research using Python” w/ Moritz Osnabrügge @ COMPTEXT 2024 (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- 🧠 1.4.-5.4.2024 attend the Advanced Language Processing Winter School @ Grenoble (France)
- 🧠 7.4.-12.4.2024 attend the Spring School on Causual Inference @ University of Oxford (UK)
- 🗣️ 20.3.2024 talk on the analysis of populist rhetoric in text in the age of large language models @ CIVICA Data Science Seminar
- 🧠 Match 2024 attended three workshops on higher education teaching skills: “International Classroom” (UMannheim), “Inclusive Digital Teaching” (KIT) and “Healthy and Motivational Teaching” (UHohenheim)
- 🫂 Oct-March 2023/2024 co-organizing the ❄️ winter term speaker series on text-as-data @ tada.cool w/ Nicolai Berk, Clint Claessen and Verena Kunz (online)
- 🗣️ 29.2.2024 talk on the dynamics of framing in dialogue @ DGfS2024-Framing “Towards Linguistically Motivated Computational Models of Framing” w/ Zlata Kikteva/ Annette Hautli-Janisz/ Chris Reed/ Steve Oswald/ Wassiliki Siskou/ Manfred Stede/ Henning Wachsmuth
- 🗞️ 30.11.2023 discussion paper on “Responsibility & Academic Writing in the Age of AI” (German) w/ Sarah Brommer, Jochen Berendes, Ulrike Bohle-Jurok, Isabella Buck, Katrin Girgensohn, Ella Grieshammer, Carina Gröner, Franziska Gürtl, Christina Hollosi-Boiger, Dagmar Knorr, Anika Limburg, Margret Mundorf, Nadine Stahlberg and Erika Unterpertinger
- 🧠 20.-24.11.2023 attend the 7th Oxford Berlin School on Open and Responsible Research autumn school @ University of Oxford (UK)
- 🗞️ 20.11.2023 “BLOOM: A 176B-Parameter Open-Access Multilingual Language Model” 🥳 in BigScience (2022/2023) with many other
- 🗣️ 8.11.2023 “Stress & Time Management for Students” giving a workshop @ ArbeiterKind for FirstGen Students (online)
- 🗣️ Oct 2023 a learning module on “Open-Source Language Models” for higher education @ KI Campus, prompting lab (online)
- 🗣️ 4/11.9.2023 co-organizing a workshop on “AI-Assisted Academic Writing” @ UHagen (online)
- 🗣️ 18/19.9.2023 Talk on Populist Rhetoric @ 6th Monash-Warwick-Zurich Text-As-Data Workshop (online)
- 🫂 18.9.2023 co-organizing the third workshop on Computational Linguistics for Political and Social Sciences w/ Gabriella Lapesa, Theresa Gessler, Valentin Gold and Simone Ponzetto @ KONVENS 2023 (Germany)
- 🗣️ 29.8.2023 Talk on “Whitebox instead of blackbox - a plea for minimum standards and open language models in the writing process and in writing guidance” @ Learning AID 2023 [Slides]
- 🗣️ 21.8.2023 Workshop on “LLMs and Academic Writing” @ FernUni Hagen
- 🫂 March-July 2023 co-organizing a 🌱 spring term speaker series on text-as-data @ tada.cool w/ Nicolai Berk, Clint Claessen and Verena Kunz (online)
- 🗣️ 13.7.2023 Workshop on “AI-Assisted Programming (for Researchers)” at Cologne Center for Comparative Politics
- 🗣️ 5.6.2023 Talk during my visit at Cologne Center for Comparative Politics on “Towards modeling populism in text w/ NLP”
- 👣 05/2023-07/2023 research visit on Computational Political Science @ Cologne Center for Comparative Politics (Germany)
- 🗞️ 5.5.2023 Poster presentation w/ Ines Rehbein and Simone Ponzetto “Our kind of people? Detecting populist references in political debates” @ LaTeCH-CLfL 2023: The 7th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature (EACL 2023)
- 🗞️ 14.4.2023 Lightning talk w/ Sarah Wagner, Ines Rehbein, Simone Ponzetto and Marc Debus “How parties frame the Covid-19 pandemic: an analysis of press releases” @ 80th Annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference 2023 (Chicago/online)
- 🗣️ 29.3.2023 “Transformer-based Language Models” giving a workshop @ Methods Bites, MSEZ, UMannheim (Germany)
- 🗞️ 20.01.2023 Paper on Our kind of people? Detecting populist references in political debates w/ Ines Rehbein & Simone Ponzetto accepted 🥳 at The 17th Conference of the European Chapter
of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2023 in Findings)
- 🗣️ 22.12.2022 Interview on analysing social and political phenomena w/ NLP @ DWS, University Mannheim (Germany)
- 🗣️ 18.11.2022 “Stress Management for Students” giving a workshop @ Writing Night, FernUni-Hagen (Germany)
- 🗣️ 18.11.2022 “Personal Academic Writing Challanges” panel discussion @ Writing Night, FernUni-Hagen (Germany)
- 🗣️ 15.11.2022 “Scientific Writing for PhD students” giving a workshop @ UMannheim (Germany)
- 🗣️ 24.10.2022 “Machine Learning Lifecycle and Standards for Transparency and Accountability” giving a talk @ Technical University of Munich (Germany)
- 🗣️ 07.10.2022 “Towards measuring populism from text” giving a talk @ TADA 🪄, 12th Annual Conference on New Directions in Analyzing Text as Data (Cornell Tech, NY)
- 🫂 September-December 2022 co-organizing a ☃️ winter speaker series on text-as-data (2022, September-December, Tuesday 5-6pm CET, online) w/ seven amazing speakers from around the world!
- 🫂 12.09.2022 co-organizing the second workshop on Computational Linguistics for Political Text Analysis @ KONVENS 2022 (Germany)
- 🫂 April-July 2022 co-organizing a speaker series on text-as-data (2022, April-July, Tuesday 5-6pm CET, online) w/ eight amazing speakers from EU & US!
- 🗞️ 20.06.2022 Paper on Second-level Agenda Setting in Parliamentary Debates accepted at ParlaCLARIN III: Workshop on creating, enriching and using parliamentary corpora (LREC 2022)
- 🗣️ 24.05.2022 “Populism Detection and other ways of working at the intersection of NLP and PolSci” giving a talk @ University of Zurich (Switzerland)
- 🗣️ 03.05.2022 “ML lifecycle and the democratization of ML” giving a talk @ Technical University of Munich (Germany)
- 🗣️ 04.04.2022 “NLP methods and PolSci applications” giving a workshop @ University of Tuebingen (Germany)
- 🗣️ 25.02.2022 “Challenges in Automatic Populism Detection” invited workshop @ Bocconi University (Italy)
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